iPhone 4 Cydia My3G 讓你透過 3G 玩 FaceTime 視訊、下載高畫質 YouTube 影片,解除 WiFi 的限制

iPhone 4 Cydia My3G 讓你透過 3G 玩 FaceTime 視訊、下載高畫質 YouTube 影片,解除 WiFi 的限制

視訊的畫質並沒有受到多大的影響,不過受限於 3G 網路的訊號或較不穩定的連線品質,視訊影像的格數,可能會比不上經由 WiFi 來得流暢。


1) Jailbreak your iPhone 4 via www.jailbreakme.com.

2) Download and upgrade to the latest Cydia package.

3) Open Cydia, Go to Manage then Sources.

4) Click Sources, Edit then add: http://apt.modmyi.com

5) Search for "My3G" -- download, and install it.

6) Go through the Rock setup process with a username and password. Open My3G and leave all settings on the default.

7) FaceTime should now work over 3G! -- Make sure to "Forget" the WiFi network you are on (via iOS settings) if you want to test it.

還可以在 SBSettings 下方便切換。

測試 Skype 的通話。

My3G 安裝後,實際使用的影片:

引用 9to5mac 、 rockyourphone
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