iPhone 4 將可以開啟 iOS 5 Siri 語音助理 的功能?iPhone 駭客 iH8sn0w 正在努力中!

iPhone 4 將可以開啟 iOS 5 Siri 語音助理 的功能?iPhone 駭客 iH8sn0w 正在努力中!
著名的 iPhone 駭客 iH8sn0w 現在正努力破解  iOS 5 的 Siri 安裝在 iPhone 4 裡面。目前駭客們已經成功安裝在 iPod touch 4G,但 Siri 並沒正常作用,如上圖中所看到的。

在 10/12日 Apple 將發佈最終版的 iOS 5,我們期待到時候 iPhone 4 就可以開啟 Siri 語音助理的功能!!! 

iH8sn0w 談到有關此目前的破解狀況:

It’s definitely not just a plist value that you have to change in order to get Siri. Thus far, it has required a lot of searching and digging. After sending all the known information to John, I’m beginning to find that it is much harder than expected. We’re using an iPod touch 4G now but our aim is to port it to all devices that Apple won’t support. At this point, we’re unsure of whether Siri requires certain hardware components or not. At this point, we can’t say but are still trying. After buying the iPhone 4S myself, I will be looking to see if there are any new files that are not available on the current iOS 5 version. This might be our stopping point.
引用 cydiahelp

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